Submit Artwork

Fish decal

Monogram and floral decal

Stone pattern decal


Submit Artwork

Send your file(s) to

File types: JPG, TIF, or PSD 

Resolution: 300 dpi or greater (HINT: most high-resolution files will be larger than 1MB.)

Please ensure that your artwork has been sized to the approximate dimensions of the surface you choose. For example, if your finished image size is 8” x 10”, please send a photo that is at least that size or larger.  Images provided that are smaller than your desired printed dimensions may produce pixelated (jagged or fuzzy) results. We will notify you of any issues and work with you to ensure your artwork meets basic quality standards.

If extensive changes to the artwork are necessary, our graphic team is happy to help!  Our rate is $40/half-hour for this service.

The Fine Print: Please note that color variation is inherent in all kiln-fired products so we DO NOT guarantee an exact color match.  We DO guarantee beautiful decorations that are an extremely close representation of your art.  

For non-photographic artwork, some brush strokes or color variations may or may not remain visible after the firing process in the kiln. To help minimize detail loss, you may be asked to send a printed copy of your art, in addition to the high-resolution photo you send via email.  In the end, there is no perfect system to duplicate all aspects of artwork.

By submitting photographs or artwork to CeramiPics, you affirm that you have proper rights to duplicate or use the image, photograph, or artwork. CeramiPics reserves the right to require documentation of usage rights.

Our printing process has a different color range than standard color printers. Certain color values may appear softer, as seen in the image on the right compared to the image on the left.